Their homes are burnt down
Their ribs are broken and
Their buttocks are buttered
Young boys are dressed in mass boots
and camouflage garments before
They are taught to run, sing, destroy and sloganeer aimlessly
It happens before they choose!
Their brains are thrown into washing machines
where they are spun thoroughly before they are pegged to dry
on blood stained washing lines
Under a watchful eye of recommended supporters
Its their time to choose!!!
They carry their guided choices to the ballot and their fears,
detect and predict victory for men with big bows and piercers
When choices cease to be what they ought to be!!!
Decades of prolonged droughts of democracy have taught them,
to choose with their mouths shut, eyes closed and dreams shuttered
they know not the freedom to choose!!!
to them choosing is an odd ideal
a catapult erected against them
predetermined outcomes of their choices
have trained them to careless about their choices!!!
Let anyone who wants to lead do so,
ours is to be led come what may
The blind , the idiots, the devils and saints,
have pulled our chains of servitude
We know not the meaning of fresh air
our atmosphere reeks with poison gas, tear gas,
acidic policies, draconian laws and unfulfilled promises
All this happens before they choose!!!
(By Sheunesu Reginald Mpofu,
Human Rights Defender, Policy Analyst, Researcher and Advocate for Political and Social Justice
Mobile# +263 (0) 772 346 004 or +263 (0) 713 272 161Email: